Most of people Shopping in Sham Shui Po is caused Low Pricing. Another reason is the type of Goods.
There are 2 common places to buy digital products.
1.Golden Computer
2.Apliu Street
1. Golden Computer Arcade(黃金電腦商場)
It must be the most convenient place for buying digital products, is located in Fuk Wa Street in Sham Shui Po, which sells computers,tv games and also IT services.
The price there usually cheaper than other PC centers, as the shops there have to maintain their competitive advantages in low price. Sometimes, they hold promotion festival.
Lets go there to find something Cheap & Good for you.
2.Apliu Street(鴨寮街)

What This Street sells? Some said Rubblish, but some said Valuable.
In fact the street mainly sell second hand digital products in very low price before. What you decide to purchase is how you evaluate. But now there is also new stores, selling cameras, mobiles and audio equipment.The price in Apliu Street is believed in Cheapest. So, many people go there to find their valuable.
If you do, let go there too.
By Cam
Reference link:
回覆刪除i will go to there to have a look!
回覆刪除i went there, and bought a camera!!
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